About Post Single Motherhood

Each Stage can be Acute or Chronic
Depending on your level of single motherhood. Friends? Family? Support system? Child support? Regular child support? Any variances in these things affects the intensity of the symptoms.

Early Warning Signs
You probably don’t have the time to notice these anyway, so there’s not much point to listing them here. I will tell you that, looking back, my earliest warning sign was when my son was about 12 or 13 and said, during our usual nightly living room television watching ritual, “I think I’m going to go in my room now”. It stung then, but I had no idea that our best-buddy days would soon be dying a slow, painful death.

If you're reading this, it's probably too late to recommend abstinence. And Ms.PSM is in wholehearted support of divorce when it's right. But other than that, there is absolutely nothing you can do to prevent the onset of PSM.

Stage 7: Satisfaction